technical 23
- The github pages DNS takeover incident
- Build a neovim menu without external dependencies
- Vim - Change Colorscheme Based on Iterm profile
- Vim - sort ruby methods by name
- Mocked - a minitest pattern
- Command pattern in ruby and rails
- Git: preview conflicts
- Null objects in Rails
- Fluentd usage example with bash and ruby
- Easily change the path for your Paperclip attachments
- Vim regexp example: make a variable out of params
- Add bundle dir to your ctags
- Howto share Spree authentication/authorization engine
- The right colors for your VIM
- Using virtual attributes for multi parameter form helpers in Rails
- Machinist vs Factory Girl: Machinist win!
- Howto run a rake task in sandbox mode
- Rails 3 scopes with HABTM (has and belongs to many) relations
- invalid option: with pg dir=/opt/PostgreSQL/9.0
- Format the results of a MySQL query like MySQL! In Rails!
- Vim for Rails Developers, by Ben Orenstein
- TextMate Syntax Highlighting Howto: A simple todo list
- Ruby Mixin and monkey patching examples